
  1. These terms and conditions apply to all competitions featured in any publications,
    online services and events that are organised by Ingenium Games Ltd (or a third
    party on Ingenium Games Ltd’s behalf).
  2. By entering a competition entrants accept these terms and conditions together with
    any specific instructions and terms for such competition which may be mentioned in
    any electronic messages, or on the website, or communicated to entrants in any
    other way (“competition information”). Such competition information shall prevail in
    the event of there being any inconsistency between these competition terms and
    conditions and any competition information.
  3. Ingenium Games Ltd may cancel or amend any competition, competition
    information, or these terms and conditions without prior notice. Any changes will be
    posted either within the competition information or these terms and conditions.

Competition Entry

  1. Entrants must be 18 or over to enter. Employees and members of their immediate
    families (including any live-in partner or household member) of any of the following
    may not enter:
    ● Ingenium Games Ltd Limited
    ● Subsidiaries of Ingenium Games Ltd
    ● Companies sharing common directors with Ingenium Games Ltd
    ● Any company involved in the organisation, management, promotion, or
    administration of the competition or its entry routes or donation of prizes or
    their agents or subsidiaries.
  2. The opening and closing dates and times for entries are as indicated in the
    competition information. Any entries received before the opening and after the
    closing of the competition will be invalid and will not be entered into the
  3. By entering the competition entrants warrant that all information submitted by
    them is true, current, and complete. Entrants also warrant that they are the
    copyright owners of any copyright works submitted, e.g. photographs and videos,
    and Ingenium Games Ltd’s use of such works (which you will permit) will not infringe
    the rights of any third party.
  4. Any limit on the number of entries a person or company may make will be clearly
    stated in the competition information. Entries received that exceed this limit will be
    invalid and will not be entered into the competition.
    ● a) Web entry
    Where specified in the competition information as an available method of
    entry to the competition, web entrants are required to follow the instructions
    on the website as indicated in the competition information. Entrants will
    receive a message confirming entry to the competition. Web entrants may be
    required to supply their name, and/or email address and/or a contact
    telephone number and/or any other details. In the event that entrants are
    required to pay to enter online, entrants will need to use the relevant
    payment service indicated in the competition information, and may need to
    open an account and register to pay for online entry to the competition.
    Online entry costs will be as indicated in the competition information.

Entrants must read and accept the terms and conditions relating to the
online entry pay service before proceeding with such a web entry.
● b) Email entry
Where specified as an available method of entry to the competition, e-mail
entrants may enter the competition by sending an email with the information
indicated in the competition information and at the email address indicated.
There is no charge for email entries. Entrants may receive a message
confirming their entry to the competition.
● c) Entry via Social Network Sites
Where specified as an available method of entry to the competition, Social
Network Site entrants may enter the competition by responding with the
information indicated in the competition details by posting their answer
within their comment. There is no charge for such entries.

  1. Neither Ingenium Games Ltd nor its servants, agents, nor any other party or
    organisation involved in the management, promotion, or administration of the
    competition or its entry routes or donation of prizes or their agents or subsidiaries
    involved in the competition will accept responsibility or liability for any error,
    omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission,
    communications line failure, theft, destruction, alteration of, or unauthorised access
    to entries, or entries lost or delayed whether or not arising during operation or
    transmission as a result of server functions (including but not limited to security
    functions by software used by Ingenium Games Ltd or any third party), virus, bugs, or
    other causes outside its control.
  2. Any entries which are incomplete, incorrect, inaudible, incomprehensible, or not
    received by Ingenium Games Ltd will be void.
  3. In the event of any fault, mistake, misunderstanding or dispute concerning the
    correctness or acceptability of the entry or any answers given by entrants (if
    applicable), or the operation of any part of the competition (in the case of postal
    entries, a postal strike for example), network or phone system, the decision of
    Ingenium Games Ltd shall be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  4. Ingenium Games Ltd will not be liable to reimburse expenses incurred in making an
    entry in any competition. Where Ingenium Games Ltd decides in its sole discretion
    that an entrant is eligible for a refund, eligibility for refunds will be notified to
    relevant entrants. Ingenium Games Ltd reserves the right to refuse to refund any
    messages where it suspects dishonest or fraudulent conduct on the sender’s part or
    where the entrant has not complied with the rules of the competition.


  1. The prize is as specified in the competition information.
  2. Where the winner is required to speak for the purposes of a film or video production
    they must appear to be able to communicate clearly and appropriately for the
    production in question. Ingenium Games Ltd reserves the right to select an
    alternative winner in the event that these requirements are not met.
  3. The process for determining the winner of the prize is as indicated in the
    competition information.
  4. Prize draw prizes will be awarded in accordance with the laws of skill and, if required
    by law or regulation, under the supervision of an independent observer. Any
    competition requiring a subjective assessment in the selection of winning entries will

be judged by Ingenium Games Ltd or as indicated in the competition information
and, if required by law or regulation, an independent judge or a panel including one
member who is independent of the competition’s promoters and intermediaries.

  1. Ingenium Games Ltd will attempt to notify the winner within 7 days after the closing
    date, or as otherwise indicated in the competition information, and where time is of
    the essence for such a period as Ingenium Games Ltd shall in its absolute discretion
    deem reasonable. He/she/They will be contacted on the phone number or email
    address provided when entering the competition; or via a specified social media
    platform. The winner will have a specified fixed time period in which to claim
    his/her/their prize. If Ingenium Games Ltd is unable to notify the winner, or if the
    winner fails to respond within the fixed time period as specified and/or provide an
    address for delivery of the prize, this may result in forfeiture of the prize and
    Ingenium Games Ltd reserves the right to select an alternative winner in accordance
    with these terms and conditions and the competition information.
  2. Ingenium Games Ltd may in its sole discretion refuse to provide a prize, or seek its
    recovery, in the event of non-entitlement under these terms or an entrant’s breach
    of these terms, Ingenium Games Ltd’s website terms of use, fraud, dishonesty, or
    other inappropriate or improper conduct including but not limited to the use of
    technology which enables an entrant to evade charges or entry requirements.
  3. Any entrant who enters or attempts to enter the Competition in a manner, which in
    Ingenium Games Ltd’s determination is contrary to these terms and conditions or by
    its nature is unfair to other entrants may be removed from the Competition at
    Ingenium Games Ltd’s sole discretion.
  4. Existem Events Ltd reserves the right to modify, cancel, terminate or suspend the
    Competition in whole or in part, at its sole discretion, if it believes the Competition is
    not capable of being conducted as specified in these terms and conditions or in the
    event of a virus, computer bug or unauthorised human intervention or any other
    cause that is beyond the reasonable control of Ingenium Games Ltd that could
    corrupt or affect the administration, security, impartiality, or normal course of the
  5. Ingenium Games Ltd reserves the right in its sole discretion to withhold delivery of
    the prize until such proof of eligibility and identity has been confirmed or if such
    proof is not produced on request or to disqualify the entrant from the competition.
  6. Ingenium Games Ltd shall try to deliver the prize to the winner by the stated event
    date, unless otherwise specified to the winner. No cash equivalent (where
    applicable) or alternative prize will be given and the prize is non-transferable and
    non-exchangeable. However, Ingenium Games Ltd reserves the right to change the
    prize due to circumstances beyond its control or to offer an alternative of similar
  7. In relation to all competitions, the first name and surname of the winner and their
    social media name may be published by Ingenium Games Ltd and entrants grant to
    Ingenium Games Ltd a non-exclusive licence to use and publish their entry in any
    media for the purpose of announcing the winner.

Data Protection and Publicity

  1. By submitting their personal details, the entrant agrees to Ingenium Games Ltd
    processing those details in accordance with the purposes made known to the entrant
    at the time of collection and in accordance with Ingenium Games Ltd’s privacy policy

which can be viewed at Any
entrant who is entering the competition via e-mail may opt out of receiving any
marketing communications from Ingenium Games Ltd

  1. Ingenium Games Ltd shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Data
    Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation, any successor
    legislation or other applicable law.


  1. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit Ingenium Games Ltd’s
    liability for death or personal injury caused by their staff or supplier’s negligence or
    for fraud. Subject to this, Ingenium Games Ltd cannot accept any responsibility for
    any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by any entrant entering the
    competition or as a result of accepting any prize. Ingenium Games Ltd is not
    responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or
    lines, computer on-line systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment,
    software failure of any email or entry to be received on account of technical
    problems or traffic congestion on the Internet, telephone lines or at any web site, or
    any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to entrant’s or any other
    person’s computer or mobile telephone related to or resulting from participation or
    downloading any materials in the competition.
  2. Ingenium Games Ltd cannot promise that the services relating to the competition
    will be free from errors or omissions nor that they will be available uninterrupted
    and in a fully operating condition. These services may be suspended temporarily and
    without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons
    reasonably beyond the control of Ingenium Games Ltd. Ingenium Games Ltd will not
    be liable in the event that all or any part of the service relating to the competition is
    discontinued, modified or changed in any way.

Standard Terms

  1. In the event that any entrant does not, or is unable to, comply with and meet these
    terms and conditions and the competition information, Ingenium Games Ltd shall be
    entitled at its sole discretion to disqualify such entrant, without any further liability
    to such entrant. In these circumstances, any prize(s) won by the entrant may be
    forfeited and Ingenium Games Ltd reserves the right to reclaim any prize(s) already
    distributed to the entrant. Any entrant must comply with any directions given to him
    or her by Ingenium Games Ltd including but not limited to any and all relevant laws,
    rules and applicable regulatory codes.
  2. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Terms and Conditions
    shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that
    any provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these
    Terms and Conditions shall otherwise remain in effect and shall be construed in
    accordance with their terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained
  3. The promoter of the competition is Ingenium Games Ltd
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